FOR as long as mankind has been around shadows have evoked mystery and fear - or been used in simple entertainment. With global touring phenomenon Shadowland, audiences at Dubai World Trade Centre (tonight and Saturday) can enjoy a brief taste of how the use of light, darkness, dance and imagination can produce a timeless and genre-busting theatrical spectacle.
LA Perle is the most talked about addition to the UAE’s entertainment offering…and for very good reason. Occasionally you might hear Dubai lazily described as the Las Vegas of the Middle East.
While several cultural and topographical aspects make that tag a little skewed, in La Perle the UAE city does have a resident destination show to match - if not rival - anything its USA ‘twin’ is likely to be serving up to visitors for a while. THE legendary globe-conquering musical Les Misérables is currently on an extended run at Dubai Opera. caught up with the show and one of the leading voices of this epic, emotional helping of international theatre - and he shared a very noisy secret.
October 2019