WITH mid March almost upon us a hat-trick of modern day jesters are about to land here for laughs. Ahead of its monthly five-date road-trip of comedy shows - the Tickle Your Funny Bone Tour - we cast an eye on the latest Laughter Factory line-up.
KNIVES are sharpened, aprons pressed and pans polished as the final countdown to the 2019 Taste of Dubai festival gets underway. FOR anyone who enjoys a good feed – and a good time – this weekend brings together the best of both worlds.
Ahead of it opening this Thursday afternoon, we take a look at what this annual gathering has in store for visitors… COOLER weather conditions are set to be with us a bit longer...and that means long bike rides, camping in the desert and outdoor brunches. We left our tent poles and cycle clips at home and opted for the latter, courtesy of UBK’s casual BBQ-driven offering.
October 2019